Microsoft Windows 3.x (Game Logos-Clear)(eXoWin3x)(EM 2.0) Release Date: 2024.09.25 File List: 101 Dalmatians - Escape From DeVil Manor (1997).png 1942 - The Pacific Air War Gold (1994).png 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (1995).png 3D Atlas '98 (1997).png 3-D Dinosaur Adventure Anniversary Edition (1997).png 3D Maze (1991).png 3D Pumpkin Puzzles (1998).png 3D Thinking Lab (1998).png 3-D Ultra Minigolf (1997).png 3-D Ultra Pinball - Creep Night (1996).png 3-D Ultra Pinball - The Lost Continent (1997).png 3-D Ultra Pinball (1995).png 3DPC (1993).png 4 Play (1993).png 9 - The Last Resort (1996).png Abalone (1999).png Ace Ventura (1996).png Achtung Spitfire (1997).png Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack (1995).png Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack 2 (1995).png Adventure of Hyperman, The (1995).png AFL Finals Fever (1996).png Africa Trail (1997).png Age of Sail (1996).png Air Havoc Controller (1994).png Al Unser, Jr. Arcade Racing (1995).png Alge-Blaster 3 (1994).png Alice - Interactive Museum (1994).png Aliens (1993).png AlienTic (1992).png Allied General (1995).png American Civil War - From Sumter to Appomattox (1996).png Arc of Doom (1994).png Arcade America (1996).png Arthur's Reading Race (1996).png Atmosfear - The Third Dimension (1995).png Backgammon (1990).png Backyard Baseball (1997).png Backyard Soccer (1998).png Bad Mojo (1996).png Bad Toys (1995).png Barbie Fashion Designer (1996).png Barkanoid (1997).png Battle Beast (1995).png Battle Chess (1991).png Battle Chess Enhanced (1991).png Battle Isle 2220 - Shadow of the Emperor (1996).png Battleship (1998).png BBC Mastermind (1996).png Berenstain Bears, The - In The Dark (1996).png Bermuda Syndrome (1996).png Betrayal in Antara (1997).png Between Earth And The End Of Time (1996).png Beyond Time (1997).png Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble, The (1995).png Brer Rabbit and the Wonderful Tar Baby (1991).png Brickbuster (1995).png Bug! (1996).png Burn -Cycle (1995).png Carmen Sandiego - Junior Detective Edition (1995).png Castle of the Winds II - Lifthransir's Bane.png Catz - Your Computer Petz (1996).png Checkers (1990).png Chessmaster 3000, The (1991).png Chessmaster 4000 Turbo, The (1993).png Chip's Challenge (1991).png Chomp (1991).png Circus! (1994).png Clue (1996).png Comet Busters! (1994).png Comix Zone (1995).png Complete MAUS, The (1995).png Congo - The Movie - Descent into Zinj (1995).png Connections (1995).png Countdown (1992).png Creatures (1997).png Cribbage (1991).png Cribbage Master (1992).png Critical Path (1993).png Daedalus Encounter, The (1995).png Dagger of Amon Ra, The (1993).png Dark Eye, The (1995).png Dark Seed II (1995).png D-Generation (1994).png Disney's The Jungle Book (1994).png Disney's The Lion King Activity Center (1995).png Diva X - Ariana (1995).png Dogz - Your Computer Pet (1995).png Don Quixote - A Multimedia Storybook (1992).png Dr. Drago's Madcap Chase (1995).png Dracula in London (1993).png Dracula's Secret (1996).png Eastern Mind - The Lost Souls of Tong Nou (1995).png Ecco the Dolphin (1995).png EcoQuest 2 - Lost Secret of the Rainforest (1993).png Entombed (1994).png Even More! Incredible Machine, The (1993).png Exotic Japan (1994).png Expert Chess (1994).png Exploring Ancient Cities (1995).png Eyewitness Virtual Reality Earth Quest (1997).png Fox Hunt (1996).png Frankenstein - Through the Eyes of the Monster (1995).png Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist (1993).png Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within (1995).png Gabriel Knight Sins of the Fathers (1993).png Gadget - Invention, Travel and Adventure (1995).png GeoSafari - Animals (1996).png GeoSafari (1997).png Ghostly Desires (1995).png Ghosts (1995).png Great Word Adventure (1995).png Greens, The (1993).png Harry and the Haunted House (1994).png Hell Cab (1993).png Holiday Island (1996).png Hooves of Thunder! (1996).png Hoyle Bridge (1996).png Hoyle Childrens Collection (1996).png Hoyle Classic Games (1998).png Hoyle Solitaire (1996).png Icebreaker (1996).png In the 1st Degree (1995).png Indiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures (1996).png Interactive Adventures Of Seymore Butts, The (1993).png Iron Helix (1993).png Isis (1994).png Jan Pienkowski Haunted House (1995).png Jewels of the Oracle (1995).png Johnny Mnemonic (1995).png Jones in the Fast Lane CD-ROM (1992).png 'Jongg CD!, The (1997).png Journeyman Project 2, The - Buried in Time (1995).png Journeyman Project, The - Turbo! (1994).png Jump Start 1st Grade (1995).png Just Grandma and Me (1993).png King's Quest V - Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (1992).png King's Quest VII - The Princeless Bride (1994).png L'affaire Morlov (1996).png Last Dynasty, The (1995).png Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape Up or Slip Out! (1994).png Let's Explore the Airport (1995).png Lighthouse - The Dark Being (1996).png Little Monster at School (1994).png Lode Runner - The Legend Returns (1994).png Lost Mind of Dr. Brain, The (1995).png Lunicus (1994).png Maabus (1995).png Majestic Part 1 - Alien Encounter (1995).png Math Blaster - Episode 1 - In Search of Spot (1994).png Math Blaster Mystery - The Great Brain Robbery (1994).png McKenzie and Co. (1995).png Michael Ninn's Latex - The Game (1996).png Mind Games Entertainment Pack for Windows (1997).png Mind of a Killer (1995).png Missile Attack! (1992).png Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe (1995).png Mixed-Up Mother Goose, Roberta William's (1992).png Monopoly (1995).png Monopoly Deluxe (1992).png Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail (1996).png Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time (1994).png Muppet Treasure Island (1996).png Myst (1993).png New Kid on the Block, The (1993).png Oddballz (1996).png Odell Down Under (1994).png Oregon Trail II - 25th Anniversary Limited Edition (1996).png Oregon Trail II (1995).png Oregon Trail, The (1993).png Out of This World (1994).png P.A.W.S. - Personal Automated Wagging System (1995).png P.T.O. - Pacific Theater of Operations II (1996).png Paparazzi! - Tales of Tinseltown (1995).png Pepper's Adventures in Time (1993).png Phantasmagoria (1995).png Philip Marlowe Private Eye (1996).png Pinball Builder - A Construction Kit for Windows (1996).png Pink Panther, The - Hokus Pokus Pink (1998).png Pink Panther, The - Passport to Peril (1997).png Pipe Dream (1990).png Pipe Dream (1991).png Pirates! Gold (1994).png Police Quest 4 - Open Season (1993).png Police Quest SWAT (1995).png Putt-Putt and Fatty Bear's Activity Pack (1995).png Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon (1993).png Putt-Putt Joins the Parade (1992).png Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo (1995).png Pyst (1997).png Quantum Gate (1993).png Quest for Glory IV - Shadows of Darkness (1993).png Rats! (1994).png Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles Adventure Game (1996).png Residents, The - Bad Day on the Midway (1995).png Rodney's Funscreen (1992).png Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge CD-ROM (1995).png Ruff's Bone (1994).png S.T.O.R.M. (1996).png Sensible Golf (1994).png SFPD Homicide - Case File - The Body in the Bay (1995).png Shadows of Cairn (1994).png Sheila Rae the Brave (1996).png Shivers (1995).png Sid Meier's Civilization (1993).png Sid Meier's Civilization II (1996).png Sid Meier's Colonization (1994).png Silent Thunder - A-10 Tank Killer II (1996).png SimCity (1992).png SimCity 2000 - CD Collection (1993).png SimEarth - The Living Planet (1990).png SimFarm (1996).png SimLife (1992).png Simpsons Cartoon Studio, The (1996).png SimTower - The Vertical Empire (1995).png SimTown (1995).png SkiFree (1991).png Space Quest 6 - Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier (1995).png Space Quest IV - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (1992).png Spaceship Warlock (1994).png Stay Tooned! (1996).png Storybook Weaver Deluxe (1994).png Super Tetris (1991).png Tetris Gold (1993).png Torin's Passage (1995).png Tortoise and the Hare, The (Living Books)(1993).png Twisted Mini Golf (1995).png Uninvited (1993).png Virtual Surgeon - Open Heart (1997).png Warhammer - Shadow of the Horned Rat (1996).png Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego (1996).png Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (CD-ROM)(1995).png Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego (1997).png Wishbone and the Amazing Odyssey (1996).png World of Aden - Entomorph - Plague of the Darkfall (1995).png Wrath of the Gods (1994).png Yellow Brick Road (1996).png You Don't Know Jack - Volume 3 (1997).png You Don't Know Jack (1995).png Zombie Wars (1996).png