Microsoft Windows 3.x (2D Boxes-Front)(eXoWin3x)(EM 2.0) Release Date: 2024.09.25 File List: 101 Dalmatians - Escape From DeVil Manor (1997).png 1942 - The Pacific Air War Gold (1994).png 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (1995).png 3D Atlas '98 (1997).png 3-D Dinosaur Adventure Anniversary Edition (1997).png 3D Thinking Lab (1998).png 3-D Ultra Minigolf (1997).png 3-D Ultra Pinball - Creep Night (1996).png 3-D Ultra Pinball - The Lost Continent (1997).png 3-D Ultra Pinball (1995).png 9 - The Last Resort (1996).png A to Zap! (1995).png Ace Ventura (1996).png Achtung Spitfire (1997).png Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack (1995).png Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack 2 (1995).png Adventure of Hyperman, The (1995).png Adventures of Batman and Robin, The - Activity Center (1996).png Adventures of Batman and Robin, The - Cartoon Maker (1995).png Adventures of Busy Billy, The (1996).png Adventures of Ninja Nanny and Sherrloch Sheltie - No 11 Downing Street (1993).png Adventures of Pinocchio, The (1996).png Adventures of Valdo and Marie, The (1997).png Adventures With Oslo - Tools and Gadgets (1994).png Aesop's Fables (1994).png AFL Finals Fever (1996).png Africa Trail (1997).png After Dark 3.2 (1995).png Age of Sail (1996).png Air Havoc Controller (1994).png Al Unser, Jr. Arcade Racing (1995).png Alge-Blaster 3 (1994).png Alice - Interactive Museum (1994).png Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1995).png Alien Arcade (1994).png Alien Tales (1995).png Allied General (1995).png Amanda Stories (1991).png Amazing Animals Activity Pack (1997).png Amazon Trail, The (1993).png American Civil War - From Sumter to Appomattox (1996).png American Girls Premiere, The (1997).png Anastasia - Adventures with Pooka and Bartok! (1999).png Animals Of Farthing Wood, The (1996).png Animation Hangman (1996).png AnnaTommy (1994).png Anyone for Cards (1994).png APBA presents - Baseball for Windows (1995).png Aquaman - War of the Water Worlds (1996).png Arc of Doom (1994).png Arcade America (1996).png Area D (1997).png Arthur's Birthday (1994).png Arthur's Reading Race (1996).png ArtRageous! (1995).png Astronomica - The Quest for the Edge of the Universe (1994).png Atmosfear - The Third Dimension (1995).png Aviation Adventure (1994).png Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector and Yondo - The Cyberplasm Formula (1995).png Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector and Yondo - The Hypnotic Harp (1993).png Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector and Yondo - The Last Dinosaur Egg (1993).png Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector and Yondo - The Vampire's Coffin (1993).png AweSome Animated Monster Maker (1997).png Baba Yaga and The Magic Geese (1995).png Babes in Toyland (1997).png Babylon 5 - Shadow Wars (1997).png Backgammon (1990).png Backpacker - The Lost Florence Gold Mine (1997).png Backstreet Boys - Puzzles in Motion (1999).png Backyard Baseball (1997).png Backyard Soccer (1998).png Bad Mojo (1996).png Bad Toys (1995).png Bailey's Book House (1993).png Barbie and Her Magical House (1994).png Barbie Fashion Designer (1996).png Barbie Storymaker (1996).png Barkanoid (1997).png Barry the Bear (1994).png Baseball's Greatest Hits (1994).png Batman - Partners in Peril (1996).png Battle Beast (1995).png Battle Chess (1991).png Battle Chess Enhanced (1991).png Battle Isle 2220 - Shadow of the Emperor (1996).png Battleground - Ardennes (1995).png Battleground 2 - Gettysburg (1996).png Battleground 3 - Waterloo (1996).png Battleground 4 - Shiloh (1996).png Battleground 5 - Antietam (1996).png Battleground 6 - Napoleon in Russia (1997).png Battleground 7 - Bull Run (1997).png Battleground 8 - Prelude to Waterloo (1997).png BBC Mastermind (1996).png Beat the House (1995).png Beauty and the Beast (1996)(Memorex).png Berenstain Bears, The - Get in a Fight (1995).png Berenstain Bears, The - In The Dark (1996).png Bermuda Syndrome (1996).png Betrayal in Antara (1997).png Better Home And Gardens Complete Guide To Gardening (1999).png Better Home And Gardens Cool Crafts (1994).png Between Earth And The End Of Time (1996).png Beyond Planet Earth (1994).png Beyond the Wall of Stars (1992).png Beyond Time (1997).png Bicycle Casino - Blackjack, Poker, Baccarat, Roulette (1995).png Bicycle Pinochle (1997).png Bicycle Poker (1996).png Bicycle Solitaire (1996).png Big Job (1996).png Big One, The (1994).png Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble, The (1995).png Blinky Bill And The Magician (1999).png Blinky Bill's Ghost Cave (1996).png Blown Away (1994).png Blue Heat - The Case of the Cover Girl Murders (1997).png Blue Ice (1995).png Bobby's World - One Clump or Two (1996).png Book of Shadowboxes, The (1995).png Brainiacs (1995).png BreakThru! (1994).png Brer Rabbit and the Wonderful Tar Baby (1991).png Bricks (1996).png Bug Explorers (1996).png Bug! (1996).png Buichi Terasawa's Takeru - Letter of the Law (1996).png Burn -Cycle (1995).png C.H.A.O.S. Continuum, The (1994).png Candy Land Adventure (1996).png Capitalist Pig (1992).png Capitol Hill (1993).png Captain Kangaroo - Life's First Lessons Adventure #1 (1998).png Carmen Sandiego - Junior Detective Edition (1995).png Carmen Sandiego Word Detective (1997).png Cartopedia - The Ultimate World Reference Atlas (1996).png Case for Cap and Co., A (1997).png Casino De Luxe (1995).png Casino Deluxe 2 (1996).png Casino Master (1996).png Casper Brainy Book (1995).png Cassandra Galleries, The (1997).png Castle Explorer (1996).png Castle of the Winds (1993).png Castle of the Winds II - Lifthransir's Bane.png CatFight - The Ultimate Female Fighting Game (1996).png Catz - Your Computer Petz (1996).png Chaos - A Fantasy Adventure Game (1996).png Chess Mates (1996).png Chessmaster 3000, The (1991).png Chessmaster 4000 Turbo, The (1993).png Chip's Challenge (1991).png Chop Suey (1995).png Chuck Jones - Peter and the Wolf (1994).png Cinema Volta (1994).png Circus! (1994).png ClockWerx (1995).png Clue (1996).png Clueless - CD-ROM (1997).png Cogito (1992).png Comet Busters! (1994).png Comic Book Confidential (1994).png Comix Zone (1995).png Complete MAUS, The (1995).png Computer Edition of Risk, The - The World Conquest Game (1991).png Congo - The Movie - Descent into Zinj (1995).png Connections (1995).png Cosmology of Kyoto (1995).png Countdown (1992).png Country Vid Grid (1995).png Crayola Magic Princess Paper Doll Maker (1999).png Creatures (1997).png Cribbage Master (1992).png Critical Path (1993).png Crosswords and More for Windows (1996).png Crosswords and Word Games (1995).png Crow, The - The Complete Interactive Collection (1996).png Crusader - Adventure Out of Time (1997).png Crystal Caliburn (1994).png Crystal Skull, The (1996).png Curious George Learns Phonics (1997).png Cyberstrip Blackjack (1995).png Cyberstrip Poker (1995).png Daedalus Encounter, The (1995).png Dagger of Amon Ra, The (1993).png Dagger's Rage (1995).png Dally Doo You Can Too! Animals (1998).png Dandy Dinosaurs (1993).png Dare to Dream 2 (1993).png Dare to Dream 3 (1993).png Dare to Dream Part One - In a Darkened Room (1993).png Dark Eye, The (1995).png Dark Seed II (1995).png Day The World Broke, The (1998).png Dazzeloids (1994).png Deadlock - Planetary Conquest (1996).png Deja Vu I and II - The Casebooks of Ace Harding (1992).png Deluxe Scrabble for Windows (1992).png Devo Presents - Adventures of the Smart Patrol (1996).png D'Generation.png D-Generation (1994).png Diamonds 3D (1996).png Dilbert - Not Just A Calendar (1997).png Dinonauts (1995).png Dinosaur Museum (1997).png Dinosaur Safari (1996).png Discover History (1997).png Disney Presents Ariel's Story Studio (1997).png Disney's Aladdin Activity Center (1995).png Disney's Animated Storybook - Hercules (1997).png Disney's Animated Storybook - Pocahontas (1995).png Disney's Animated Storybook - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996).png Disney's Animated Storybook - The Lion King (1995).png Disney's Animated Storybook - Toy Story (1996).png Disney's Animated Storybook - Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1995).png Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame - 5 Topsy Turvy Games (1996).png Disney's The Jungle Book (1994).png Disney's The Lion King Activity Center (1995).png Disney's Timon and Pumbaa's Jungle Games (1995).png Disney's Toy Story Activity Center (1996).png Diva X - Ariana (1995).png Dogz - Your Computer Pet (1995).png Dole 5 A Day Adventures (1995).png Don Quixote - A Multimedia Storybook (1992).png Doonesbury Election Game Campaign '96, The (1995).png Double Feature Solitaire (1994).png Dr. Ditto (1995).png Dr. Drago's Madcap Chase (1995).png Dr. Seuss Preschool (1999).png Dr. T's Sing-A-Long Kid's Classics (1993).png Dracula in London (1993).png Dracula's Secret (1996).png Dragon in a Wagon (1997).png Dream Team - Kid's Typing (1993).png Drivin' Route 66 (1995).png Duck City (1996).png Dust - A Tale of the Wired West (1995).png Earth Invasion (1993).png EarthSiege 2 (1996).png Eastern Mind - The Lost Souls of Tong Nou (1995).png Ecco the Dolphin (1995).png EcoQuest 2 - Lost Secret of the Rainforest (1993).png Eek!Stravaganza - The EeX Files (1996).png Elroy Goes Bugzerk (1995).png Elroy Hits the Pavement (1996).png Elroy's Costume Closet (1996).png Endorfun (1995).png Enemy Nations (1996).png Entombed (1994).png Escher Interactive - Exploring the Art of the Infinite (1996).png Even More! Incredible Machine, The (1993).png Evocation - Beyond the Dream.png Evocation 2 - The Dream (1994).png Evocation Oltre il Sogno (1995).png Exotic Japan (1994).png Expect No Mercy (1995).png Expert Chess (1994).png Explorers of the New World (1995).png Exploring Ancient Cities (1995).png Eyewitness Virtual Reality Bird (1995).png Eyewitness Virtual Reality Dinosaur Hunter (1996).png Eyewitness Virtual Reality Earth Quest (1997).png F!Zone (1996).png F-14 Fleet Defender Gold (1995).png F-18 - No Fly Zone (1994).png Fall of the House of Usher, The (1994).png FarSide Screen Saver Collection (1994).png Fate of the Starlords (1994).png Felix The Cat's Cartoon Toolbox (1995).png Fisher-Price - Learning in Toyland (1996).png Fisher-Price Dream Doll House (1995).png Fisher-Price Great Adventures - Castle (1997).png Fisher-Price Great Adventures - Pirate Ship (1997).png Fisher-Price Great Adventures - Wild Western Town (1997).png Flight Commander 2 (1994).png Flight Sim Toolkit (1993).png Follow That Sleigh! (1994).png Forever Growing Garden (1993).png Foul Play - Mystery at Awkward Manor (1998).png Four Footed Friends (1994).png Four-Sight (1995).png Fox Hunt (1996).png Frankenstein - Through the Eyes of the Monster (1995).png Freddi Fish 2 - The Case of the Haunted School House (1996).png Freddi Fish 3 - The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell (1998).png Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness (1996).png Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries (1996).png Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds (1995).png Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist (1993).png Free Willy Activity Center (1997).png Front Page Sports - Baseball Pro '96 Season (1996).png Front Page Sports - Trophy Bass 2 - Northern Lakes (1997).png Front Page Sports - Trophy Bass 2 (1996).png Front Page Sports - Trophy Rivers (1997).png Full Tilt! 2 Pinball (1996).png Full Tilt! Pinball (1996).png FunPack (1993).png Fury3 (1995).png Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within (1995).png Gabriel Knight Sins of the Fathers (1993).png Gadget - Invention, Travel and Adventure (1995).png Gahan Wilson's The Ultimate Haunted House (1994).png GayBlade (1992).png Gazillionaire (1994).png Gazillionaire Deluxe (1997).png Gearheads (1996).png GemStorm (1995).png GeoSafari - Animals (1996).png GeoSafari (1997).png Get Ready for School, Charlie Brown! (1995).png Gettysburg - Multimedia Battle Simulation (1994).png Ghostly Desires (1995).png Ghosts (1995).png Gigglebone Gang, The - Alphabonk Farm (1994).png Gigglebone Gang, The - Infinity City (1997).png Gigglebone Gang, The - Pantsylvania (1995).png Gigglebone Gang, The - World Tour (1997).png Glider 4.0 for Windows (1994).png Golf Pro 2000 Downunder (1997).png Gord@k (1997).png Grackon's Curse (1995).png Grand Prix Manager (1995).png Grand Prix Manager 2 (1996).png Grant - Lee - Sherman - Civil War 2 - Generals (1997).png Great Math Adventure (1995).png Great Myths and Legends Volume 1 - Monsters and Mythical Creatures (1995).png Great Word Adventure (1995).png Green Thumb Cards (1996).png Greg Norman Ultimate Challenge Golf (1996).png Grossology (1997).png Guignols de l'Info, Les - Le Cauchemar de PPD (1996).png Guignols De L'Info, Les...Le Jeu ! (1995).png Gulliver's Voyage To Lilliput (1996).png Gus And The Cyberbuds - Sing, Play, and Paint A Long (1994).png Gus and The Cyberbuds - Stellar Game Cellar! (1996).png Gus Goes to Cyberopolis (1994).png Gus Goes to Cyberstone Park (1996).png Gus Goes to Cybertown (1993).png Gus Goes to the Kooky Carnival - In Search of Rant (1995).png Hanna-Barbera's Cartoon Carnival (1995).png Hard Day's Night, A (1993).png Hard Evidence - The Marilyn Monroe Files (1995).png Harpoon Classic (1995).png Harry and the Haunted House (1994).png Hawaii High - The Mystery of the Tiki (1994).png Head Coach - NFL Math (1996).png Head Coach - NFL Reading (1996).png Hell Cab (1993).png Hello Kitty - Big Fun Deluxe (1994).png History of the World (1997).png Hodj 'n' Podj (1995).png Holiday Island (1996).png Hollywood (1995).png Hollywood Mogul (1997).png Hooves of Thunder! (1996).png How the Leopard Got His Spots (1995).png How To Be Perfect (1995).png How Would You Survive (1995).png Hoyle Battling Ships And War (1998).png Hoyle Bridge (1996).png Hoyle Childrens Collection (1996).png Hoyle Classic Card Games (1993).png Hoyle Classic Card Games (1997).png Hoyle Classic Games (1998).png Hoyle Poker (1997).png Hoyle Solitaire (1996).png Huygen's Disclosure (1996).png I Can be a Dinosaur Finder (1997).png I Can Be an Animal Doctor (1997).png Ice and Fire (1995).png Icebreaker (1996).png ID4 Mission Disks (1996).png Imo and the King (1995).png Improv Presents, The - Don't Quit Your Day Job (1996).png In Grandma's Attic (1996).png In the 1st Degree (1995).png Incredible Machine Version 3.0, The (1995).png Incredible Toon Machine, The (1994).png Indiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures (1996).png Interactive Adventures of Blake and Mortimer, The - The Time Trap (1997).png Interactive Adventures Of Seymore Butts, The (1993).png Interactive History of Frankenstein (1995).png Invention Studio (1996).png Iron Helix (1993).png Isaac Asimov's - The Ultimate Robot (1994).png Isis (1994).png Island Casino (1995).png Jack's Attic (1997).png Jan Pienkowski Haunted House (1995).png Jeopardy TV and Movie Pack (1996).png Jewel Thief (1992).png Jewels II - The Ultimate Challenge (1998).png Jewels of the Oracle (1995).png JezzBall (1992).png Jixxa (1995).png Johnny Castaway (1992).png Johnny Mnemonic (1995).png Jolly Postman's Party, The (1997).png Jones in the Fast Lane CD-ROM (1992).png 'Jongg CD!, The (1997).png Jonny Quest - The Real Adventures - Cover-Up at Roswell (1996).png Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1995).png Journeyman Project 2, The - Buried in Time (1995).png Journeyman Project, The - Turbo! (1994).png Journeyman Project, The (1993).png Juilliard Music Adventure (1995).png Jumanji (1997).png Jump - The David Bowie Interactive CD-ROM (1994).png Jump Raven (1994).png Jump Start 1st Grade (1995).png Jump Start 2nd Grade (1996).png Jump Start Adventures 3rd Grade - Mystery Mountain (1996).png Jump Start Adventures 4th Grade - Haunted Island (1996).png Jump Start Adventures 5th Grade - Jo Hammet, Kid Detective (1997).png Jump Start Baby (1999).png Jump Start Kindergarten Reading (1996).png Jump Start Pre-K (1996).png Jump Start Pre-K Year 2 - Trucks N Things (1999).png Jump Start Toddlers (1996).png Jungle Book (1996).png Jungle Book, The - The Legend Of Mowgli (1995).png Jurassic Art (1997).png Jurassic Park Screen Saver (1993).png Just Grandma and Me (1993).png Karma - Curse of the 12 Caves (1995).png Keroppi Day Hopper (1994).png Kewala's Typing Adventure (1997).png Kid Riffs (1995).png Kid Vid Grid (1994).png KidWorks 2 (1993).png King's Quest V - Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (1992).png King's Quest VI - Heir Today Gone Tomorrow CD (1992).png King's Quest VII - The Princeless Bride (1994).png Kiyeko and the Lost Night (1995).png Klik and Play (1994).png Koala Lumpur - Journey to the Edge (1997).png Labyrinth of Crete (1995).png L'affaire Morlov (1996).png Las Vegas Super Casino (1997).png Lassie (1994).png Last Chance to See (1993).png Last Dynasty, The (1995).png Legends of Oz (1993).png Legions (1994).png Leisure Suit Larry - Love for Sail! (1996).png Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape Up or Slip Out! (1994).png Lemmings for Windows (1995).png Lenny's Music Toons (1993).png Let's Explore the Airport (1995).png Let's Explore the Farm (1995).png Let's Explore the Jungle (1995).png Let's Talk About Me (1996).png Liam Finds a Story (1996).png Life with Louie - Lake Winnibigoshish (1996).png Lighthouse - The Dark Being (1996).png Lights Out 3D (1996).png Lil - Howie's Fun House - The Great Word Adventure 1.png Little Monster at School (1994).png Little Samurai, The (1996).png Live Action Football (1994).png Living Puzzles - Triazzle (1995).png Lode Runner - The Legend Returns (1994).png Logical Journey of the Zoombinis (1996).png Loony Labyrinth (1995).png Lost Mind of Dr. Brain, The (1995).png Louis Cat Orze - The Mystery Of The Queen's Necklace (1995).png Lunicus (1994).png L-Zone (1993).png Maabus (1995).png Macbeth (1995).png Madeline And The Magnificent Puppet Show (1995).png Madeline's Rainy Day Activities (1996).png Madness of Roland, The (1995).png Magic Death, The - Virtual Murder 2 (1993).png Magic Fairy Tales - Barbie As Rapunzel (1997).png Magic Theatre - Haunted House (1995).png Magic Theatre (1994).png MagnaFlux Runner (1993).png Majestic Part 1 - Alien Encounter (1995).png Manhole, The - CD-ROM Masterpiece Edition (1994).png Manhole, The - New and Enhanced (1992).png Maniac Sports (1994).png Marble Drop (1997).png Mario Teaches Typing 2 (1997).png Marty And The Trouble With Cheese (1996).png Mask, The - The Origin (1994).png Masque Blackjack (1994).png Masque Caribbean Stud Poker (1995).png Masque ChessNet 3 (1994).png Masque Solitaire Antics (1994).png Masque Video Poker (1995).png Masterpiece Mansion (1995).png Math Blaster - Episode 1 - In Search of Spot (1994).png Math Blaster - Episode 2 - Secret of the Lost City (1994).png Math Blaster Mystery - The Great Brain Robbery (1994).png Math Heads (1996).png Math Master (1997).png Math Munchers Deluxe (1995).png Math Rabbit Deluxe (1993).png Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (1996).png Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing! for Kids (1994).png MayaQuest Trail (1995).png McKenzie and Co. (1995).png Merlin's Apprentice (1995).png Metal Marines (1994).png Metal Marines Master Edition (1995).png Michael Ninn's Latex - The Game (1996).png MicroProse Entertainment Pack Vol #1 - Dr Floyd's Desktop Toys (1993).png Microsoft 500 Nations (1995).png Microsoft Ancient Lands (1994).png Microsoft Arcade (1993).png Microsoft Art Gallery (1993).png Microsoft Bob (1995).png Microsoft Bookshelf '95 (1995).png Microsoft Cinemania '94 (1994).png Microsoft Cinemania '95 (1995).png Microsoft Complete Baseball - 1994 Edition (1993).png Microsoft Complete Baseball - 1995 Edition (1994).png Microsoft Complete NBA Basketball Guide '94-'95 (1994).png Microsoft Dangerous Creatures (1994).png Microsoft Dinosaurs (1993).png Microsoft Dogs (1995).png Microsoft Encarta '94 (1993).png Microsoft Encarta '95 (1994).png Microsoft Entertainment Pack 2 (1991).png Microsoft Entertainment Pack 3 (1991).png Microsoft Entertainment Pack 4 (1992).png Microsoft Entertainment Pack for Windows (1990).png Microsoft Explorapedia - The World of Nature (1995).png Microsoft Explorapedia - The World of People (1995).png Microsoft Golf (1992).png Microsoft Golf 2.0 (1995).png Microsoft Multimedia Mozart (1994).png Microsoft Multimedia Schubert (1993).png Microsoft Musical Instruments (1992).png Microsoft Oceans (1995).png Microsoft World of Flight (1995).png Midnight Stranger (1993).png Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel (1996).png Millennium Auction (1994).png Millie Meters Nutrition Adventure (2001).png Millie's Math House (1992).png Milo (1996).png Mind Games Entertainment Pack for Windows (1997).png Mind Grind (1996).png Mind of a Killer (1995).png Mirage (1995).png Mission 9 (1995).png Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe (1995).png Mixed-Up Mother Goose, Roberta William's (1992).png Monopoly (1995).png Monopoly Deluxe (1992).png Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail (1996).png Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time (1994).png Mordor - The Depths of Dejenol (1995).png MorphMan (1993).png Moving Puzzle - Action Flights (1998).png Moving Puzzle - Cats (1998).png Moving Puzzle - Fun Sports (1998).png Moving Puzzle - Jungle World (1998).png Moving Puzzle - Motor Sports (1998).png Moving Puzzle - Nature Events (1998).png Moving Puzzle - Sea World (1998).png Moving Puzzle - Wild Life (1998).png Mr. Drumstix' Music Studio (1993).png Mr. Potato Head Activity Pack (1998).png Mr. Potato Head Saves Veggie Valley (1996).png Mr. Wonder's Greatest Toyshop On Earth (1996).png Ms. Metaverse (1995).png Multimedia Celebrity Poker (1995).png Multimedia Dinosaurs (1999).png Multimedia IQ Test (1995).png Mummy - Tomb of the Pharaoh (1996).png Muppet Treasure Island (1996).png Murder, She Wrote - Mystery Jigsaw Puzzles (1996).png Museum Of Anything Goes (1995).png Music Chase 1 - The Music In Me (1995).png Myst (1993).png Mysterious Island - A Race Against Time And Hot Lava (1996).png Mystery at Greveholm, The (1997).png Mythology (1995).png National Lampoon's Blind Date (1994).png Nautical Number Hunt (1998).png NeuroDancer (1994).png New Kid on the Block, The (1993).png Nile - Passage to Egypt (1995).png Nine Worlds (1996).png Nitemare-3D (1994).png Noir - A Shadowy Thriller (1996).png NumberMaze Challenge (1999).png Oddballz (1996).png Odell Down Under (1994).png One Small Square (1995).png Opening Night (1995).png Opera Fatal (1996).png Operation - Eco-Nightmare (1997).png Operation - Inner Space (1994).png Operation Neptune (1995).png Operation Odin (1996).png Opus 'n Bill Brain Saver (1993).png Oregon Trail II - 25th Anniversary Limited Edition (1996).png Oregon Trail II (1995).png Oregon Trail, The (1993).png Origin FX (1992).png Oscar the Balloonist and the Secrets of the Forest (2000).png Oscar the Balloonist Discovers the Farm (2001).png Oscar the Balloonist Dives into the Lake (2000).png Oscar the Balloonist Drops into the Countryside (2001).png Oscar the Balloonist Flies into the Mountains (2001).png Otter's Adventure, The (1995).png Out of This World (1994).png Outpost (1994).png Outpost 69 - Lust in Space (1996).png Over the Reich (1996).png P.A.W.S. - Personal Automated Wagging System (1995).png P.T.O. - Pacific Theater of Operations II (1996).png Pagemaster, The (1994).png Pajama Sam - Lost and Found (1998).png Pajama Sam - No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside (1996).png Pajama Sam 2 - Thunder and Lightning aren't so Frightening (1998).png Pajama Sam's SockWorks (1997).png Palace of Deceit, The - The Dragon's Plight (1992).png Panic in the Park (1995).png Paparazzi! - Tales of Tinseltown (1995).png Paperopolis (1995).png PBA Bowling (1995).png Pepper's Adventures in Time (1993).png Perfect Partner Bridge (1995).png Peter and the Wolf (1995).png Peter's Alphabet Adventure (1993).png Peter's Colors Adventure (1994).png Peter's Magic Adventure (1993).png Phantasmagoria (1995).png Phantastische Reise nach Terra-Gon, Die (1997).png Philip Marlowe Private Eye (1996).png Pilgrim - Faith as a Weapon (1998).png Pinball Builder - A Construction Kit for Windows (1996).png Pink Panther, The - Hokus Pokus Pink (1998).png Pink Panther, The - Passport to Peril (1997).png Pipe Dream (1990).png Pipe Dream (1991).png Pippi (1995).png Pirates - Captain's Quest (1997).png Pirates! Gold (1994).png Pixie Dust (1994).png Planetary Taxi (1995).png Play To Win Casino (1998).png Play-Doh Creations (1996).png Playskool Puzzles (1996).png Playtoons - Vol 1-4 (1994).png Plot Of The Cyberheads (1995).png Police Quest 4 - Open Season (1993).png Police Quest SWAT (1995).png Pool Champion (1995).png Power - The Game (1995).png Power Politics (1992).png Power Rangers Zeo Versus The Machine Empire (1996).png Powerhouse (1995).png Prince Interactive (1994).png Princess and the Crab, The (1996).png Professor Iris' Fun Field Trip - Animal Safari (1994).png Professor Iris' Fun Field Trip - Seaside Adventure (1994).png Profitania (1998).png Psychotron, The (1994).png Putt-Putt and Fatty Bear's Activity Pack (1995).png Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-o-Rama (1996).png Putt-Putt and Pep's Dog on a Stick (1996).png Putt-Putt Enters the Race (1998).png Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon (1993).png Putt-Putt Joins the Parade (1992).png Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo (1995).png Putt-Putt Travels Through Time (1997).png Puzzle Power (1995).png Pyramid - Challenge of the Pharaoh's Dream (1996).png Pyst (1997).png Qin - Tomb of the Middle Kingdom (1995).png Quantum Gate (1993).png Quatra Command (1994).png Queensryche's Promised Land (1996).png Quest for Glory IV - Shadows of Darkness (1993).png Qwirks (1995).png Radio Active (1994).png Rave Shuttle - The Cosmic Challenge (1997).png Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles Adventure Game (1996).png Reader Rabbit 2 (1993).png Reader Rabbit 3 (1996).png Reader Rabbit and Friends - Let's Start Learning (1995).png Reader Rabbit's Kindergarten (1997).png Reader Rabbit's Reading 1 (1997).png Reader Rabbit's Reading Journey 1 (1996).png Reader Rabbit's Toddler (1997).png Reading Blaster Invasion of the Word Snatchers (1994).png Reelect JFK (1994).png Reflux - Issue 01 - The Becoming (1995).png Reflux - Issue 02 - The Threshold (1995).png Residents, The - Bad Day on the Midway (1995).png Residents, The - Freak Show (1994).png Residents, The - Gingerbread Man (1994).png Rise and Rule of Ancient Empires, The (1996).png Robert E Lee - Civil War General (1996).png RoboSport (1991).png Robot City (1995).png Rock'N Roll Your Own (1995).png Rodney's Funscreen (1992).png Rodney's Wonder Window (1992).png Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge CD-ROM (1995).png Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV - Wall of Fire (1996).png Ruff's Bone (1994).png S.T.O.R.M. (1996).png Sacred Mirror of Kofun, The (1996).png Safety Monkey (1994).png Safety Scavenger Hunt (1994).png Sammy's Science House (1994).png Savage - The Ultimate Quest for Survival (1996).png Scholastic's The Magic School Bus Explores Inside the Earth (1996).png Scholastic's The Magic School Bus Explores the Human Body (1994).png Scholastic's The Magic School Bus Explores the Ocean (1995).png Scholastic's The Magic School Bus Explores the Solar System (1994).png Scrabble (1996).png Scrutiny In The Great Round (1995).png Secret of the Hunchback, The (1996).png Secrets of the Luxor (1996).png Secrets of the Pyramids (1994).png Sensible Golf (1994).png Sesame Street - Art Workshop (1995).png Sesame Street - Get Set To Learn (1996).png Sesame Street - Let's Make a Word! (1995).png Sesame Street - Letters (1999).png Sesame Street - Numbers (1999).png Sesame Street Elmo's Preschool (1996).png Seymore Butts Interactive 2 - In Pursuit of Pleasure (1994).png SFPD Homicide - Case File - The Body in the Bay (1995).png Shadowgate (1993).png Shadows of Cairn (1994).png Shanghai - Great Moments (1995).png Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye (1994).png Sheila Rae the Brave (1996).png Shine (1996).png Shivers (1995).png Shivers Two - Harvest of Souls (1997).png Sid Meier's Civilization (1993).png Sid Meier's Civilization II - The Collector's Edition (1996).png Sid Meier's Civilization II (1996).png Sid Meier's CivNet (1995).png Sid Meier's Colonization (1994).png Silent Steel (1995).png Silent Thunder - A-10 Tank Killer II (1996).png SimAnt - The Electronic Ant Colony (1991).png SimCity (1992).png SimCity 2000 - CD Collection (1993).png SimEarth - The Living Planet (1990).png SimFarm (1996).png SimLife (1992).png SimPark (1996).png Simpsons Cartoon Studio, The (1996).png SimTower - The Vertical Empire (1995).png SimTown (1995).png SimTunes (1996).png Sinkha - The 3D Multimedia Novel (1994).png SkiFree (1991).png Skipper and Skeeto - Paradise Park (1996).png Skull Cracker (1996).png SkyBorg - Into the Vortex (1995).png Sleeping Cubs Test of Courage (1996).png Smart Games Challenge #1 (1996).png Smart Games Puzzle Challenge 2 (1997).png Smart Games Puzzle Challenge 3 (1998).png Smart Games Stratajams (1997).png Smart Games Word Puzzles #1 (1996).png Snoopy's Campfire Stories (1996).png Snow White and the Magic Mirror Interactive Storybook (1995).png Soft Kill (1993).png Solitaire Deluxe (1996).png Solitaire Twin Pack (1995).png Solitaire's Journey (1992).png Sonic's Schoolhouse (1997).png Sophie's World (1997).png Space Bucks (1996).png Space Quest 6 - Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier (1995).png Space Quest IV - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (1992).png Space Sirens - The Ultimate Cyber Sex Simulator (1994).png Space Sirens 2 - Megababes from Ajia (1995).png Space Station Alpha - The Encounter (1996).png Spaceship Warlock (1994).png Spaceward Ho! (1992).png Spectre VR (1993).png Speedway (1996).png Spelling Jungle (1993).png Spider-Man - Interactive CD-ROM Comic Book! (1995).png Spider-Man Cartoon Maker (1995).png Sportsman's Paradise (1998).png SPQR - The Empire's Darkest Hour (1997).png Spy Fox in Cheese Chase (1998).png Spy Fox in Dry Cereal (1997).png Stanley's Sticker Stories (1996).png Star Trek - Klingon (1996).png Star Trek - The Game Show (1998).png Star Trek Omnipedia (1995).png Star Warped (1997).png Star Wars Chess (1993).png Stars! (1996).png Stay Tooned! (1996).png Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair (1996).png Storybook Weaver Deluxe (1994).png Stowaway! Stephen Biesty's Incredible Cross-Sections (1994).png Strategy Heads (1997).png Strip Poker! International (1993).png Suit, The (1996).png Super Solvers - Gizmos and Gadgets! (1997).png Super Solvers - Midnight Rescue! (1995).png Super Solvers - OutNumbered! (1997).png Super Solvers - Spellbound (1999).png Super Solvers - Treasure Cove! (1994).png Super Solvers - Treasure MathStorm! (1996).png Super Solvers - Treasure Mountain! (1994).png Super Solvers Mission - T.H.I.N.K. (1999).png Super Spy (1996).png Super Tetris (1991).png Superboy - Spies from Outer Space (1996).png Superman - The Mysterious Mr. Mist (1996).png Superman Activity Center (1997).png Symantec Game Pack (1991).png Take a Break! Crosswords (1992).png Take a Break! Pinball (1993).png Take Your Best Shot (1995).png Tales Of The Wild Zeep (1994).png Team Xtreme - Operation Weather Disaster (1995).png Terror T.R.A.X. - Track of the Vampire (1995).png Tesserae (1993).png Tetris Classic (1992).png Tetris Gold (1993).png The Great Word and Great Math Adventures.png The Incredible Machine 2.png They Call Me... The Skul (1996).png Thinkin' Things - Sky Island Mysteries (1998).png Thinkin' Things Collection 1 (1993).png Thinkin' Things Collection 2 (1995).png Thinkin' Things Collection 3 (1995).png THiNK-X (1996).png This is Spinal Tap (1994).png This Means War! (1996).png Tick, The - The Tick vs. The Uncommon Cold (1996).png Time Out Sports - Baseball (1994).png Time Out Sports - Basketball (1994).png Time Warp of Dr. Brain, The (1996).png Timelapse (1996).png Timmy and the Magic Pictures (1995).png Timmy the Dream Hunter (1996).png Titanic - A Mysterious Undersea Adventure (1998).png Titanic - Adventure Out of Time (1996).png Tommy (1996).png Tonka Construction (1996).png Tonka Search and Rescue (1997).png Torin's Passage (1995).png Tortoise and the Hare, The (Living Books)(1993).png Total Distortion (1995).png Total Mayhem (1996).png Tower (1995).png Toy Story Power Play (1996).png Tracon for Windows (1993).png Travel the World with Timmy! (1998).png Treasure Galaxy! (1994).png Treasure Hunt, The (1995).png Treasure Island Interactive (1995).png Treasure Quest (1996).png Triple Threat - An Arcade Adventure (1995).png Trivia Worx (1995).png Trivial Pursuit Interactive Multimedia Game (1994).png Troggle Trouble Math (1994).png Trophy Bass (1995).png Trophy Bass 2 Deluxe (1998).png Trudy's Time and Place House (1995).png Tuneland (1994).png Twisted Mini Golf (1995).png Ultimate Frank Lloyd Wright, The - America's Architect (1994).png Ultimate Human Body 2.0, The (1996).png Ultimate Yahtzee (1996).png UltraVixen (1997).png Umbra Conspiracy, The (1995).png Uninvited (1993).png Universe According to Virgil Reality, The (1996).png Urban Runner (1996).png Vampire's Kiss (1994).png Victory Or Defeat (1995).png Vid Grid (1994).png Video Cube Space (1993).png Vikings - The Strategy of Ultimate Conquest (1996).png Virtual Chess (1995).png Virtual K'Nex (1998).png Virtual Nightclub - A Game About Time (1997).png Virtual Surgeon - Open Heart (1997).png Virtual Vegas - Turbo Blackjack (1995).png VooDoo Kid (1997).png Vortex, The - Quantum Gate II (1994).png Wallace and Gromit Fun Pack (1996).png Wallobee Jack - The Bingi Burra Stone (1994).png Warhammer - Shadow of the Horned Rat (1996).png Warhead (1991).png Way Things Work, The (1994).png We are Angels (1997).png Weird - Truth is Stranger than Fiction (1997).png Welcome to Bodyland (1994).png Welcome to the Future (1995).png Whac-A-Mole (1994).png Wheel Of Fortune (1994).png Wheel Of Fortune Featuring Vanna White (1992).png Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego (1996).png Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (CD-ROM)(1995).png Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego (1997).png Who is Oscar Lake (1996).png Who Killed Brett Penance - The Environmental Surfer (1994).png Who Killed Sam Rupert - Virtual Murder 1 (1993).png Who Killed Taylor French - The Case of the Undressed Reporter (1994).png Who's Fat Lou (1996).png Widget Workshop - The Mad Scientist's Laboratory (1995).png Wiggins in Storyland (1995).png Wild World of Madison Jaxx (1994).png Wings - Saigon to Persian Gulf (1998).png Wishbone and the Amazing Odyssey (1996).png Wizardry Gold (1996).png Wolf and the Seven Little Goats, The (1995).png Word Heads (1997).png World of Aden - Entomorph - Plague of the Darkfall (1995).png World Series of Poker Deluxe Casino Pak (1995).png Wrath of the Gods (1994).png Wyatt Earp's Old West (1994).png X-Fools, The - The Spoof is out There (1997).png X-Men - Interactive CD-ROM Comic Book! (1995).png Xplora 1 - Peter Gabriel's Secret World (1993).png Yearn2Learn - Master Snoopy's World Geography (1995).png Yearn2Learn - Peanuts (1994).png Yearn2Learn - Snoopy (1994).png Yellow Brick Road (1996).png You Don't Know Jack - Television (1997).png You Don't Know Jack - Volume 2 (1996).png You Don't Know Jack - Volume 3 (1997).png You Don't Know Jack (1995).png You Don't Know Jack Movies (1996).png You Don't Know Jack Sports (1996).png You Don't Know Jack XL (X-Tra Large)(1996).png Young Dilbert Hi-Tech Hijinks (1997).png Young Pocahontas Interactive Storybook (1995).png Yukon Trail, The (1994).png ZAARK and the Night Team - The Quest for Patterns (1995).png Zap! (1998).png Zapitalism (1996).png Zeddas - Servant of Sheol (1995).png Zombie Wars (1996).png Zurk's Alaskan Trek (1995).png Zurk's Learning Safari (1993).png Zurk's Rainforest Lab (1995).png